Jian Heng correction-tapesWholesale Center >> Correction tape large order

Jianheng has built the correction tape export services for 10 years , has exported to more than 20 countries in Europe and more than 100 enterprises, with stable customer base and credit reputation on correction tape filed.


We have cooperated with many big customers such as OFFICE BASICS.We are looking forward to cooprate with other big companies to expand our business.


And we offer to you the OEM correction tape service, providing the correction tape’ personalized service, quick design and distribution. The important is we can satisfy your different custom demands on correction tape.


Customer satisfaction is our direction.

Looking forward to your cooperation to carry out in-depth correction tape .

Wellcome to contact us now!( SKYPE: & MSN &Tel:+86-574-65372699)
Order Information
T E L :  *
Company Address:ZhejiangNinghai Tel:+86-574-65372699 Fax:+86-574-65372799
Email:nbjh@nbjh.net.cn hjnbch@126.com | MSN:nhjianheng@hotmail.com | SKYPE:jianheng188 | Code: 315606
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